DENOMINATION OF ORIGIN: DOP Monti Iblei – Calatino Sub-area VARIETY: Tonda Iblea 50%, other Sicilian autochthonous varieties 50% OLIVE GROVES: 500 centuries-old plants
TIPY OF SOIL: alluvial origin, mainly sandy clayey of medium texture, rich in skeleton
HERVESTING: hand-picked in October
EXTRACTION SYSTEM: continuous cold cycle – two phases with malaxing in the absence of air
STORAGE: in stainless steel with nitrogen injection in a controlled temperature environment
APPEARANCE: veiled by natural settling COLOR: green with golden reflections
SCENT: intense fresh fruity with marked hints of green tomato and medium sensation of freshly mown grass and a light aftertaste of artichoke
TASTE: full and ample taste, with persistent herbaceous hints, medium spicy and bitter sensation in the closing well balanced
USE: mainly raw on roasted meat and fish, soups and salads, bruschetta, baked fish, game, grilled vegetables and vegetables.